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標題/當代釋經學的危機06     編號/6     公布時間/Sat Jun 2 08:12:27 2012
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當代釋經學的危機06 聲音檔



  我們繼續來看,Greg Beale對Peter Enns的這本書的評論。現在我們來到Beale的觀點:

II. 「從Enns的道成肉身模式來看聖經的默示」(續)
(Enns’s Incarnational Model for Understanding Biblical Inspiration)

1. 「Enns的道成肉身的模式,特別在處理歷史和神話的方面」(續)
(Enns’s incarnational model in relation to “history” and “myth.”)

  Peter Enns說,福音派人士一直以來都沒有正視:這些古近東的發現,對福音派聖經論的涵義。Beale下面就列出福音派五種回應的方法,是Enns沒有交代的:

(It is important to remark at this point that (1) some evangelical scholars have seen the presence of similarities to supposed ANE myth due to polemical intentions (as have some non-evangelical scholars) or to direct repudiation of pagan religious beliefs and practices;)


((2) and others to a reflection of general revelation by both pagan and biblical writers, and only rightly interpreted by the latter;)


((3) in addition, still others have attributed purported ANE mythical parallels in the OT to a common reflection of ancient tradition, the sources of which precede both the pagan and biblical writers, and the historicity of which has no independent human verification (like the creation in Genesis 1), but is ultimately based on an earlier, ancient divinely pristine revelation that became garbled in the pagan context and reliably witnessed to by the scriptural writer.)


「第四,另一個觀點,上帝的啟示不是每個地方都反對古近東的觀點的。很多時候會正面的來使用古近東的觀點。但是仍然有神的特殊啟示在很重要的地方修改了這些古近東的觀點的。  比如說:古近東的觀點可能影響了以色列的會幕和聖殿所帶來的聖地神學」,就是一個地方有神特別的旨意和同在,「這很可能是來自古近東的概念的。  (例如:會幕和聖殿是朝東的,一些敬拜所用的東西放的位置,從聖所到至聖所一步一步地進去,一些甚麼人、甚麼時候才可以進到聖所的規矩…等等,可能聖經有受古近東的觀點的影響。)」
(4) Yet another view is that revelation did not always counter ANE concepts, but often used them in productive ways, though still revised in significant manner by special revelation.  For example, ANE concepts may have helped give shape to the theology of sacred space in the building of Israel’s tabernacle and temple.  (e.g. the eastward orientation, the placement of important cultic objects, the designation of areas of increasing holiness, the rules for access to the Holy Place and Holy of Holies, etc.)


(Of course, another option, in contrast to the preceding four views, is that the biblical writers absorbed mythical worldviews unconsciously, reproduced them in their writings, and believed them to be reliable descriptions of the real world and events occurring in the past real world (creation account, flood narrative, etc.) because they were part of their socially constructed reality.)



(Divine inspiration did not limit such cultural, mythical influence.)


  現在Beale既然提出的福音派的五個觀點,就開始向Peter Enns提出兩個問題,第一個:

(Does Enns agree with this latter view, still nonetheless contending that God used myths to convey truth?)



(Does Enns believe that these OT “mythical accounts” do not contain essential historicity, so that he uses the word “myth” with its normal meaning?)


(The following analysis of Enns will contend that his view, while sometimes consistent with some of the four above views in the preceding paragraph, does not primarily align itself with any of them. But he appears to give an affirmative answer to the preceding two questions, though one must work hard at interpreting Enns to come to these conclusions,)


 (since, at crucial points in his discussion, he is unclear.)

(It would have been helpful to readers if Enns had acknowledged the above variety of ways that the OT interacts with ANE myth, and where precisely he positioned himself with respect to various OT passages.)

「根據Enns的說法,以色列周圍的這些古代民族都問一些問題,關於他們終極的存在和意義(例如:人是甚麼?宇宙是甚麼?)…等等,所以人就製造了一些故事,特別是創造的故事(41頁)。  創世記關於創造的記載是植根於當時的神話式的世界觀的(27頁)。  換言之,舊約創世記中的經文的大前提就是它採用了當時在古近東流傳的創造的故事。  (我們大概可以猜想,Enns也包含了創世記講到了所謂『亞當』被造的背景。)  Enns主要要講的是:創世記要講的是耶和華是真神,巴比倫的神不是(27頁)。  洪水故事的結論也是一樣的(27-29頁)。」
(According to Enns, the ancient peoples around Israel asked questions about their ultimate being and meaning, and “so, stories were made up,” especially about the creation (p. 41).  The Genesis account of creation “is firmly rooted in the [mythological] worldview of the time” (p. 27);  in other words, the Genesis passage presupposes and utilizes the mythological creation stories circulating in the ANE  (including, presumably, the background of the account about “Adam’s” creation?).  The main point, according to Enns, is to show that Yahweh is the true God and not the Babylonian gods (p. 27).  The same conclusion is reached with respect to the Flood account (pp. 27–29).)


「Enns喜歡用神話這個字來形容聖經的記載,但究竟他對神話這個字的定義是甚麼呢?  第一點,Enns說:『很多的古近東歷史學家都不會說 神話的意思就是 “不真實” 、“捏造的”、“故事書”』,而這觀點好像是Enns的觀點(40頁)。」
(Enns himself likes the use of the word “myth” to describe these biblical accounts, but how does he define “myth” precisely?  Enns says that “not all historians of the ancient Near East use the word myth simply as shorthand for ‘untrue,’ ‘made-up,’ ‘storybook,’ ” a position with which he appears to align himself (p. 40).)


「但是,很令人困惑的是,當他對神話作定義的時候,又好像神話就是捏造的意思。  Enns對神話的定義是:『神話就是古代的、前現代的、前科學的方法,用講故事的方式,來處理、回答一些有關生命來源和人生意義的問題,諸如:我們是誰?我們從哪裡來?』 (50頁;參考40頁)。」
(Yet, enigmatically, he goes on to define “myth” in the ANE as something apparently very close to this.  His formal definition of “myth” is as follows: “myth is an ancient, premodern, prescientific way of addressing questions of ultimate origins and meaning in the form of stories: Who are we? Where do we come from?” (p. 50; similarly, p. 40).)

「請注意,Enns對神話的定義裡,並沒有講到『歷史』或『真實事件』。  但是Enns馬上又肯定,雖然他前面說不是捏造的故事,但又說古近東神話是『被造出來的故事』、是『講故事』的過程(41頁),而創世記的創造和洪水的故事又必須要從這古代的文化背景來理解。  假如我們用Enns的講法來解釋Enns的話,這意思就是說,聖經的故事在古代的神話中是『有一個很穩固的根基的』(56頁)。  再說一次,特別是創世記的創造記載,他說:『是植根於當時的神話世界觀』(27頁)。  所以,究竟Enns對所謂神話與歷史的過去事實之間的關係有何觀點?」
(Note well that there is no reference to “history” or “actual events” in this definition.  But then Enns proceeds to affirm, despite his earlier apparent qualification on page 40 about “made-up” stories, that ANE myths were “stories [that] were made up” (my italics; p. 41) and were composed by a process of “telling stories” (p. 41), and that “the biblical stories” of the “creation and flood must be understood first and foremost in the ancient contexts.”  This means, trying to interpret Enns by Enns, that the biblical stories had “a firm grounding in ancient myth” (p. 56; my italics); to reiterate, with specific reference to the Genesis creation account, he says that it “is firmly rooted in the [mythological] worldview of its time” (p. 27).  So, what is Enns’s view of “myth” in relation to real events of the past?)


(In this respect and in connection with some of Enns’s directly preceding statements, he poses a difficult question: If the ancient Near Eastern stories are myth (defined in this way as prescientific stories of origins), and since the biblical stories are similar enough to these stories to invite comparison, does this indicate that myth is the proper category for understanding Genesis? [p. 41].)


Beale說:「他藉著問另一個問題來回答這個問題:  我們衡量舊約早期的故事,是不是根據現代的歷史探究和科學精準的標準,這些的標準是古代人完全沒有意識到的(41頁)。」
(He answers this by asking another question:  Are the early stories in the Old Testament to be judged on the basis of standards of modern historical inquiry and scientific precision, things that ancient peoples were not at all aware of? [p. 41].)





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