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當代釋經學的危機 第二講 聲音檔



第一章 「立定方向」(續)
(Getting Our Bearings)

(What I Hope to Accomplish in This Book)

  「當代釋經學的危險」第二講。我們第一講介紹前威敏斯特神學院舊約系教授彼得・恩斯(Peter Enns),2005年出版的 “Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament” (默示與道成肉身:福音派人士與舊約的難題)。2008年,威敏斯特神學院建議他離開學校,是變相的撤職的。我們在第一講已經開始介紹他寫這本書的目的。我們說到:他說,我們不要用這些新派與舊派、主流與教派的標籤,這些沒有太大用處。但是他寫書的目的是要讓福音派人士正面的面對過去150年聖經研究的成果、證據,而且修改我們的聖經論。





他說,「我要集中在三個問題(problems),就是在舊約研究所提出的三大問題。我盼望能夠指出我們的對話,可以怎麼樣的調整,好叫以前我們所認為這些是舊約的問題,現在可以從另一個新的觀點、角度來了解。換言之,我的目標就是要讓這些累積起來的證據,不單單影響我們對這段經文、這段故事怎麼看,而且要跨越這個,讓累積起來的證據來影響我們認為聖經是甚麼。(My aim is allow the collective evidence to affect not just how we understand a biblical passage or story here and there within the parameters of earlier doctrinal formulations.)這些的證據不是影響我們用傳統的謬誤論去看這段那段的經文,我要突破的是聖經是甚麼?(rather, I want to move beyond that by allowing the evidence to affect how we think about what Scripture as a whole is.)」


「我盼望我寫書的結果是甚麼?(the end result,)就是給人一個神學的代模、一個世界觀。給誰呢?給這些基督徒,他們本能地知道聖經是神的話,但是對他們來說,現在讀聖經已經成為一個嚴重的神學問題了。(People who know instinctively that the Bible is God’s word, but for whom reading the Bible has already become a serious theological problem -- perhaps even a crisis.)」


他說,「我認識很多基督徒,他們認為聖經的世界和現代的世界之間的衝突是一個很真實的問題。(I have come across many Christians for whom this clash between the biblical world and the modern world is a very real issue.)對他們來說,聖經是他們很生活中心的一本書。但是很多時候福音派怎麼維護聖經呢?是學者們的一些例外的辯護、詭辯(special pleading),雖然證據已經叫這些的立場已經越來越成問題了,但福音派這些保守的學者一般仍然試圖要抓住、堅持著一些對他們是很舒服的、補救的觀念。(attempts to hold on to comfortable ideas despite evidence that makes such ideas problematic.)」

他說,「就是這些老派的福音派的學者,他們怎麼思考聖經已經是沒有效了,因此讓基督徒腦昏了,不能接受。這些基督徒愛他們的聖經且想抓住他們的聖經,但同時他們也感覺到現代證據的重量壓在他們的肩頭上。(It is precisely the ineffectiveness of certain ways of thinking about the Bible that can sometimes cause significant cognitive dissonance for Christians who love and want to hold on to their Bibles, but who also feel the weight of certain kinds of evidence.)」

他說,「既然如此,這本書其中一個主題是:我們很多基督徒認為,我們讀經的時候有很多的問題,這不是聖經本身的問題,乃是我們固有的問題、先入的偏見。the problems many of us feel regarding the Bible may have less to so with the Bible itself and more to do with our own preconceptions.


他說,「假如你能夠聽一聽究竟聖經本身是甚麼形式的、是怎麼樣寫成的?而現在你能夠擱置下你本來的那些觀念,你認為聖經應該怎麼樣寫的,然後先去聽一聽究竟聖經具體怎麼寫的,你不要想你認為聖經應該是甚麼寫的。這樣子是滿有創意的,也令人興奮的,有時還給你帶來屬靈的賞賜的。(I have found again and again that listening to how the Bible itself behaves and suspending preconceived notions (as much as that is possible) about how we think the Bible ought to behave is refreshing, creative, exciting, and spiritually rewarding.)」

他說,「不要就這樣走過學習的過程。我要提出三個問題。這三個問題一般福音派神學都處理得不好(not handled well)。這三個問題不是建造在一些幻想性的、時髦的理論;這三個課題是來自聖經內部本身的證據,加上從聖經旁邊文化的證據。」


「1. 舊約和古代世界其他的文學:(the Old Testament and other literature from the ancient world:)他說,聖經為甚麼在一些地方看起來很像以色列人鄰居的文學?舊約究竟是不是那麼的獨特呢?舊約豈不就是反映出那個它所寫成的那個古代的世界嗎?聖經假如是神的話的話,為甚麼它剛好在古代的世界是這麼的適合的呢?(Is the Old Testament really that unique? Does it not just reflect the ancient world in which it was produced? If the Bible is the world of God, why does it fit so nicely in the ancient world?)」


「2. 舊約裡神學上的分歧:(Theological diversity in the Old Testament:)」


「為甚麼舊約在不同的地方講同一件事情是講到不同的東西的呢?實在看來是有一些的矛盾,或至少有很多意見上的分歧的,在舊約聖經裡面。(Why do different parts of the Old Testament say different things about the same thing? It really seems as if there are contradictions, or at least large differences of opinion, in the Old Testament.)」

「3. 新約的作者如何引用舊約?新約的作者為何用一些奇奇怪怪的方法來引用舊約的呢?他們好像是靈意解經。(The way in which the New Testament authors handle the Old Testament: Why do the New Testament authors handle the Old Testament in such odd ways? It looks like they just tale the Old Testament passages out of context.)」


他說,「假如你對聖經研究有一點熟悉的話,你就馬上認清這三個問題是非常重要的課題。(Each of these three points has its own chapter in this book. To those perhaps more familiar with biblical studies, the importance of these three issues will be immediately recognizable.)第二和第三,後兩個問題是直接由聖經本身產生的。對第一和第三條問題,我們以前的聖經研究的方法一般都沒有考慮到聖經以外的證據。原因就是因為聖經以外的證據,是在過去一百五十年才讓我們感覺到,或考古學家才發掘出來的。在這些的證據面世之前,以前老舊的對聖經的認識已經建立得很堅固的了。」




「我選擇這三個問題,是因為每一問題都挑戰我們傳統的福音派的聖經觀的。(Each of these issues, in its own way, presents challenges to traditional, evangelical views about Scripture.)」


  他的理由呢?我先把三個讀一讀:第一個問題是處理聖經是否獨特。(The first issue deals with the Bible’s uniqueness.)第二個問題是聖經是否可信。(The second concerns the Bible’s integrity, its trustworthiness.)第三個問題是聖經如何解釋。(The third deals with the Bible’s interpretation.)


他說,「第一,聖經是否獨特。(The first issue deals with the Bible’s uniqueness.)保守派一般都沒有明文的說出來,就是預料:假如聖經是神的話,它就應該是獨特的,它就不應該與周圍民族的文學有甚麼很驚人的相似之處。(It is a common expectation, often implicit, that for the Bible to be God’s word, it should be unique, that is, it should not bear striking similarities to the literature of other ancient people.)」


「第二,聖經是否可靠的。(The second concerns the Bible’s integrity, its trustworthiness.)一般的預料是:聖經的觀點是一致的,不會有觀點的不同。假如上帝要求我們相信聖經是上帝的話的話,那聖經應該是沒有分歧的、神對每件事也都只有一個觀點的,不是嗎?(It is a common expectation that the Bible be unified in its outlook, be free of diverse views, if we are being asked to trust it as God’s word (does not God have just one opinion on things?)」

「第三,講到解釋聖經的。(The third deals with the Bible’s interpretation.)對現在讀經的人,新約聖經怎麼解釋舊約聖經,好像是幻想似的、好像他們不關心舊約聖經在原文的處境(context)裡面的意義是甚麼?這就好像解釋舊約是非常的主觀,這樣會不會影響我們基督徒今天又怎麼解釋舊約呢?(To modern readers, the New Testament authors sometimes seem to interpret the Old Testament in fanciful ways, seemingly unconcerned about the meaning of the Old Testament in its original context.  This seems to make the whole issue of Old Testament interpretation highly subjective.  Should this have an effect on how Christians today handle the Old Testament.)」

「無論我們怎麼把聖經研究的資料組織起來,我們要面對問題:不是我們如何一個個的處理這節經文、那個問題。不是的。我們今天要做甚麼呢?不要光看這些仔細的問題,要退一步要讓這些資料一起在很基礎性的層面來向我們發出挑戰。(Rather, we need to happen is that we take a step back from the details and allow these issues to challenge us on a more fundamental level.)」

「我們需要用新的方法來看聖經。剛剛講的這些問題,是需要從另一個觀點來處理。剛才講的這些問題不要再把它當成難題了,要把他當作一扇窗戶打開讓你有一個新的理解的方法。(what is needed is a eau of thinking about Scripture where these kinds of issues are addressed from a very different perspective – where these kinds of problems cease being problems and become windows that open up new ways of understanding.)」

「這不是那麼簡單的,你說,聖經是神的話,聖經是神所默示的,或用另一個標籤來形容聖經,就足夠了。(It is not enough simply to say that the Bible is the word of God or that is inspired or to apply some other label.)」

「你若說聖經是神所默示的、是神的話,你把這觀念降落在聖經某一段,能夠看到結果嗎?今天世界上的聖經研究又怎麼樣的影響我們如何來解釋神的話、默示等等的教義呢?(The issue is how these descriptions of the Bible bear fruit when we touch down in one part of the Bible or another.  How does the study of Scripture in the contemporary world affect how we flesh we flesh out descriptions such as “word of God” or “inspired”?)」


(A Way toward Addressing the Problem: The Incarnational Analogy)

  所以這本書的書名是 “Inspiration and Incarnation”(默示與道成肉身)。下面你看,很狡猾的。

「我不認為難題可以用簡單的方法解決的。我現在提供的是一個正確的出發點來討論這些的問題。這起點是從早期教會就有的了,不過現在我們剛好用它來解決現在的問題,一定會有好處的。(I don’t want to suggest that difficult problems have simple solutions. What I want to offer, instead, is a proper starting point for discussing these problems, one that, if allow to run its course, will reorient us to see these problems in a better light.)」

「我們所討論的這起點,就是以下:『基督是神,也是人;所以聖經也是。』(This starting point for our discussion is the following: as Christ is both God and Human, so is the Bible.)」

  我先停一停,我先從其他的書評提兩件事:第一,基督是一個位格、兩性(神性和人性);聖經的寫成是兩種位格(神和人)、一性(神性)。(The Biblical Portrait of Christ as One Person with Two Natures; and the Bible is One Nature with Two counter Persons.)神、人寫成聖經(神的話),這用基督的道成肉身來講,是大有問題的。第二,還有基督是無罪的。為甚麼他一點都不提了呢?第三,按照加爾文的說法,基督的神性是遮蓋祂的人性的。他又不提了。他講道成肉身,就是要講《聖經》是人寫的一本書(human book)。好,繼續看:


「基督教信仰的一個最核心的教義,遠到最早之時主後451年的〈迦克敦信經〉(Rathe, one of the central doctrines of the Christian faith, worked out as far back as the Council of Chalcedon in AD 451,):耶穌是百分之一百的神和百分之一百的人,同時是神,同時是人。(is that Jesus is 100percent God and 100 percent human -- at the same time.)」

他說,「你怎樣來思考耶穌,就等於怎樣來思考聖經了。(This way of thinking of Christ us analogous to thinking about the Bible.)正如耶穌又是屬神,又是屬人的;同樣的,聖經一定也是一本神的書,也是一本人的書。(In the same way that Jesus us -- must be -- both God and human, the Bible is also a divine and human book.)」

「是的,耶穌雖然是神與我們同在(God with us),但是他也是神與我們同在(God with us),祂完全穿戴上了祂所生活的那個世界整套的文化的外衣(he still completely assumed the cultural trappings of the world in which he lived.),這就是神與我們同在的意思了。(In fact, this is what is implied in “God with us.”)或者是『基督在各方面與祂的兄弟相同』(希伯來書2:17)的意思。耶穌是第一世紀的猶太人,當時的語言,希伯來文、希臘文、亞蘭文,是耶穌的語言;他們的習慣就是祂的習慣。祂是他們的一份子。(He fit, he belonged, he was one of them.)


「聖經也是如此。聖經是屬於產生聖經的古代世界的。(So, too, the Bible. It belonged in the ancient worlds that produced it.)」


「聖經不是抽象的、來世的(超脫凡塵的)一本書,不是從天上掉下來的。(It was abstract, otherworldly book, dropped out of heaven.)」

  不是光他一個人這樣講。這句話戈登·費依(Gordon Fee)在《讀經的藝術》(“How to read the Bible for All Its Worth?”)裡也有的。簡單的說,聖經不是一套的教義。

「聖經是與那些古代的文化連結,也是向那些古代文化說話的。聖經屬於文化的那種素質,不是一些另加的,所以我們可以隨便它扔掉,然後就跑到超時空的真理那裡。(It was connected to and therefore spoke to those ancient cultures.  The uncultured qualities of the Bible, therefore, are not extra elements that we can discard to get to the real point, the timeless truths.)」


「就是因為基督教是歷史裡面的一個宗教,所以神的話也反映出聖經寫成時當時的一些歷史的時刻、情況。(Rather, precisely because Christianly is a historical religion, God’s word reflects the various historical moments in which Scripture was written.)」

「上帝在歷史中有祂的作為。(God acted and spoke in history.)」


「當我們學越來越多關於聖經的歷史的時候,我們必須很歡喜的、正面的來看這些歷史影響我們怎麼來看聖經的涵義是甚麼呢?這些歷史影響我們究竟我們期待從聖經那裡得到甚麼東西?(As we learn more and more about that history, we must gladly address the implications of that history for how we view the Bible, that is , what we should expect from it.)」

「這種面對聖經的觀點,不同的神學家有不同的說法。(This way of thinking about the Bible is referred to differently by different theologians.)我喜歡用的是『道成肉身的類比或例子』:也就是基督的道成肉身跟聖經的道成肉身是相似的。(The term I prefer is incarnation analogy: Christ’s incarnation is analogous to Scripture’s “incarnation”.)」

「當然,你用一個例子的時候,你可以指出這個例子有哪些方面是不符合我們要講的這個問題的。(As with any analogy, one could highlight places where the analogy does not quite fit.)」


「不但如此,我們必須相信基督的道成肉身是一個奧秘。你可以挑戰我:為甚麼用一個奧秘來解釋另外一件事情?雖然我這樣說,我仍然堅持我的起點是正統基督教的信仰,不論它是多麼的奧秘,它就是拿撒勒耶穌是神人。(Moreover, we must reckon with the incarnation of Christ itself being mysterious; One could rightly question the merit of using an ultimately unexplainable entity to explain something else!  The being said, my starting point is the orthodox Christian confession, however mysterious it is, that Jesus of Nazareth is the God-man.)」

「基督是神的話和聖經是神的話之間的這個合一,在我的書裡的思想是非常重要的:(The long-standing identification between Christ the word and Scripture the word is central to how I think through the issues raised in this book:)」

  我順便提一提,說基督是神的道和聖經是神的道,剛好是巴特(Karl Barth)的新正統大力推薦的一個牧師。



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